Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Sperry drawing

In this drawing we had to draw a pair of shoes so i decided to draw my Sperry's. I was actually very surprised to it came out very well and i had never really drawn a pair of shoes before. We had to draw both shoes which made it more interesting because we had to add value which gave the more realistic appearance but we also had to setup our shoes in way that we thought looked interesting. I added some shading to my drawing to make it look more realistic and im really glad i did because in my opinion it turned out really well.

Acrylic Landscape Painting

We started the planning for our painting by choosing color schemes that we liked, this allowed us to decide whether we wanted to do a monochromatic drawing or use more than one color. We also organized our painting by finding multiple pictures of things we would have liked to have in their, and then after that we did 2 or 3 planning drawings in sharpie to see the best way to use the objects in the pictures in different places, etc. The atmospheric perspective in my painting is a person looking down a very long road with huge mountains in the background. I created this by choosing some objects in my pictures and incorporating them into one painting, also to add a more realistic appearance to the painting we added the appearance of light, this was accomplished by making one side of the objects lighter and the other side darker to make it look like the sun was shining on that object.

Ceramics Project

The medium of my project is clay, we planned the size, shape, and pattern of our objects by cutting paper to different shapes and choosing which pattern we liked the most. Then after we selected with shaped we wanted we placed the paper on top of a clay slab and used knives to cut the clay to that shape. After we had the general shaped we placed the slab on top or down into a bowl depending on the preferred purpose, i wanted a bowl so i placed my slab down into the other bowl. The intended purpose for my piece was to be used as something like a cereal bowl, unfortunately it did not turn out like i wanted so i just place miscellaneous stuff in there. I learned from the project how to properly work with clay and if i had to go back and do it over i would not have used such a deep bowl because it made it hard to shape my bowl into it and also taking it out was a pain.